Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Birdie at the tree

Greeting human (or maybe alien)! I'm back on track!
Okay bout this doodles i made it because....... idk..
Maybe because i saw a bird in a tree at my bedroom window .. ha-ha.. I wanna be like a bird free, fly high in the sky,never had a problem,just let everything flow,no headache,no worries,hakuna matata... live just for fun then die in peace.
Hmm.. What a boring life !!! NO! I change my mind!! I don't wanna end up like a bird!
I wanna livin in a real LIFE! Though, it'll hard, but yap, it's life! Life is not hard as you see.. It full of joys and laughter. Those sweet memories..you and your friend , your childhood , your quality time with your family, or maybe with your special friens or (more than friend).. haha
So life is .. just lyk carrossel ! That goes round-and-round-and-round.....
That's for today! Bye folks! :D


Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

Ellie da alien photoshoot

Ellie was an alien that once lived in the planet Greenos, but she decided to moved to the planet doodle and stay at Dooville cause she loved doodling so much!
There you have it! Ellie da alien!

i'm out,

Dooville's citizen!

This is the citizen of dooville ! Say hello guys! :D


Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

Brand new doll

I'm new ! Yap this is my newest blog to kept my doodles drawing everything about my artworks!
Yes,it still
.. i know .. but I keep on practicing a lots!
