Peeps! I’m introducing you my very first robot assistant……zord-the-robot! He popped out from my head just about hour ago Nothing special bout him. Emm.. He’s special because he was made by me w/ munchmunchmuch love,yay me yay zord! (ignore this part-_-)
Actually, hmm… Zord is it an odd name? uh? Any sugesstion? Better name maybe? Well.. I’ve asked my friends to named it… Athira said that baby boo might be a good one (but it’s too sweet for a robot) and she asked me ‘why don’t you just used my cool name?’ and she named the robot : ThiraTronic (it’s cool but sounds lyk ‘hair tonic’ for me -_-v). Putri said ‘you can named ur robot Pubot-_-‘ (Well…zz thank u guys for ur suggestion).
He is cold because…….. his body made from steel of course. Got weird crooked hands and legs (my bad hehe) you’ll see it later on my next post. He still learn to adapt in human place. Oyes one thing, He promised gonna learn to be a good-nice-obidiant robot for me.
Bout the doodle: Hmm…. The words reminds me at……HA-HA-HA-_- Flashback just love to haunted me. Tsk tsk tsk.
Swell that’s for now fellas! Catch y’all later..because now I’m catching a grenade for mr.Zord! (eh?-_-)
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